Staff at secondary schools delighted by national award

Staff at all four secondary academies in Dudley Academies Trust were delighted to have achieved The Quality in Careers Standard, awarded for the Trust’s outstanding careers programme.
The award celebrates schools that can demonstrate the importance they place on careers and how they support students to make decisions about their life after school.
Zoe Turton, Senior Careers Officer, said, “We are continually working to improve the chances and opportunities of all our learners, beginning in our primary schools and more intensively throughout their time in our secondary academies. Careers education plays a crucial part in the overall success of our academies and their learners.”
“We work with a very wide range of organisations and employers to give learners a realistic idea of the choices that lie before them, with strong support coming from Thomas Dudley Limited and its Chief Executive Martin Dudley.”
Chief Executive of the Trust, Jo Higgins, said, “We are thrilled that all four of our secondary schools have received Ixion’s Gold Standard Award for The Quality in Careers Standard. This is an incredible achievement after so much hard work from our Senior Careers Officer, the Careers Leads in the schools and the many other people who contributed. Careers education enables learners to develop their knowledge, skills and experience so they can Dream Big and go out into the world prepared for the next stage of their education, employment, self-employment or training.”