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Beacon Hill Academy


Principal: Mr Sukhjot Dhami
Ofsted Inspected: May 2024
Overall effectiveness: Good

Beacon Hill is located in Woodsetton to the east of Sedgley. It is the largest of the academies in the Trust with over 1,100 learners on roll. It recruits at capacity in Year 7 and draws pupils from a large number of different primary schools in a highly populated area.

Principal Sukhjot Dhami joined the academy as a newly qualified teacher and has worked there for 17 years. Since 2019, GCSE results have shown improvements in both the attainment and progress of learners. There has been a marked rise in the proportion of learners achieving Grade 5 or higher in both English and Mathematics.

Over the past four years, a significant sum of money has been invested in new computers and networking. Beacon Hill has been awarded funding to rebuild the academy with new buildings and new facilities, and this project is expected to commence in the near future.

One of the advantages of its size is the number of staff who work in learner support and the broad pastoral care system. The academy has its own AS Base, with trained staff on hand to provide the extra support and care that AS learners may require.

The curriculum is relevant and responsive, providing opportunities for learners to study a wide range of subjects such as engineering, design technology and expressive arts.

There is a comprehensive programme of extra-curricular activities ranging from sports and the arts to valuable enrichment experiences that have included visits to Oxbridge Universities, skiing trips to Italy, and visits to the WWI battlefields, China and Silicon Valley.

A high proportion of learners are eligible for free school meals and there are very few English as an Additional Language learners.